still trying to find the right day for writing time (looks like Saturday, maybe. Don’t hold me to it)
finished with Fall decorations.
I’d like to encourage you today by saying, “hang in there.” Great speech, huh? No really, just keep going. Keep moving forward- even if its just baby steps. Wherever you are, what ever you’re doing, just take one step forward. Then another. Then another.
Since everyone is doing so well, I’m making supper for all my #3in30 Gals. That’s right! Supper. Here is THE. EASIEST. SUPPER- evhah, Baby.
Here’s what you’ll need to make the most wonderful, delicious, moistest (did I mention easiest?) Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Crock pot
Pork loin
BBQ Sauce
That’s it. Super easy.
Separate your pork loin if it comes two to a package. Place it in the crock pot and pour an entire bottle of BBQ sauce over it. Fill the empty bottle with water and add a half or more of the water over the loin. You have to eyeball this one. The amount of liquid depends on the size of your pot and loin. Don’t overfill as the crock pot creates moisture. You knew that already, I know. I just had to say it. Put the lid on and bake on low for 8-10 hours. An hour before you intend to serve it, take two forks and shred the loin to pieces. It’ll be so tender it will just fall apart. At this stage it may absorb more of the sauce so you will want to check it after 30 minutes to see if you need to add a little more water. Serve on buns.
We use Ubon’s Dipping sauce. I’m not sure you can find it outside of the South. It’s made locally. Any BBQ sauce will do. My family enjoys using Hawaiian Bread as buns. We also top our pork with coleslaw (Kroger prepared package- just add a little mayo) and a dab of Sweet Baby Ray’s. Serve with chips or fries. Enjoy!
(Disclaimer/Credit: I have no idea where this recipe came from. I’ve been making it this way for so long I have forgotten who told me about it. Heck, I may have even come up with it on my own. Who knows? Just enjoy. Feel free to share.)
I am LOVING October! Cool(er) weather, leaves turning colors, prelude to the holidays…what’s not to love? I’m getting things done: reading my inspirational book and continuing to decorate for fall.
While I haven’t penciled in the time on my calendar, I have found some time to blog. I’d rather have a set time every week, but when? So far I’ve been utilizing family TV time to hop on my mini laptop.
What’s on your October agenda? Thanks, #3in30 Gals for keeping me on my toes! Look out, I’m watching you too
For my October goals, I have chosen: 1. Read one inspirational book (Relationship with God) 2. Establish a blog posting/ writing routine (Social Media) 3. Decorate for Fall (Home/Organization)
I have already completed one goal! What, you’re not applauding? I’ve put out our fall decorations with the exception of the turkey things. I’ll put those out next month closer to Thanksgiving. So far we have a few table decorations, window clings, a couple of mantle pieces, and I added a few pumpkins to the year round table center piece.
I don’t really do a whole lot of seasonal decorating outside of Christmas. I don’t know why…maybe because my family never did. We always had a Christmas tree, of course. Now that I’m a mom, I’ll have to do better! I think my son and husband appreciate it- so that motivates me. I enjoy making seasonal crafts with my DS4. I’m sure we’ll get more elaborate with the decorations as he gets older.
Silk Leaves
Pumpkinized Centerpiece
Living Room Mantle
Sun Porch Window Cling
It’s fun getting back into the #3in30 habit! How are you doing with your goals? I love seeing everyone’s progress. It’s encouraging to me that we all have so many similar goals. Great minds think alike, right? Keep up the good work, Ladies. #3in30 Blessings to you!
(You know, I really did want applause- just a little.)
September just flew by. Did anyone else notice? This month has been especially busy for us. We’ve been getting back in the homeschooling groove and had a beach vacation. Although my vacation has nothing to do with the challenge (or this post), I know you are just screaming for beach photos. I wouldn’t want to disappoint – here’s a shot or two:
Blue Crab
Snack Time
I am proud to say that I accomplished two of my three goals. Notice how I put a positive spin on that? It’s all about attitude, Baby. I created a home management journal. I may do a post on it with links to the pages I used. Want to see it?
Front Cover
Calendar Pages
Scripture Confession Pages
And I tackled the over flowing stack of magazines and catalogs. Now it’s down to three that we are actually using. Here’s a before and after:
How did you do in September? Are you thinking about your October goals? I am! One of my Home/Organization goals is to get out the fall decorations. You know, sometime before the actual day of Thanksgiving! Here’s a sneak peek:
It’s been awhile since I’ve written a #3in30 post. I’ve been busy, getting things done, and doing the dailies. I just haven’t been goal setting (more like list making). Buuuuuuuuuuut I’m back in the game now so here are my goals: 1. (God Category) Read one inspirational book. Yes, I know. This was a previous (unfinished) goal. It didn’t work out. After my evening Bible time, I fall asleep. Any suggestions? 2. (Social Media Category) Empty the dining room of the 2 foot stack of magazines and catalogs. Really, this has nothing to do with social media. Read about my blogger envy confession. Let’s just say I’ve got some commitment issues. Maybe next month I’ll set and stick to a blogging schedule. Don’t hold your breath, though. 3. (Get Organized) Create a Home Management Binder. I’ve actually completed this one. It was a nightmare! I printed all my lists and pages. I made and laminated front and back covers. I took it to the local office supply/ print shop for binding and they RUINED it. I had to start all over and you know what? They ruined it again! Hours upon hours of work, costly paper, and precious printer ink made me want to cry. My wonderful, gallant, and always to the rescue husband offered to beat up the staff but I opted for buying a binding machine instead. Much better for all involved, wouldn’t you say? We have only one office supply store and I can’t afford to burn bridges with all the homeschooling supplies I need. (I did kinda’ want to show them my finished binder, though. Rub their noses in it. I was successful on the first attempt! So easy. Alas, the love of Christ constrains me- after quite a bit of prayer.)
I can’t wait to link up and read about your goals/progress. I always find encouragement, humor, and tons of great ideas! Let me know how you read in bed without crashing.
I must admit: I’ve had a hard time picking my goals for April. There just seems to be so much to do. Narrowing it down has been almost impossible. Heck- I don’t even have all three. I’m hoping that somehow as I type it will come to me.
My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized. OK, it’s starting to come to me. I want spend more time reading so I’ll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature. I didn’t do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I’ll keep that as #2. Hmmm…#3…get more organized…hmmm. I’ve started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting. I think for #3, I’ll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I’ve received compensation.
There you have it. A week later but I’ve got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I can’t wait to see your April goals and progress. #3in30 blessings to you!
I must admit: I’ve had a hard time picking my goals for April. There just seems to be so much to do. Narrowing it down has been almost impossible. Heck- I don’t even have all three. I’m hoping that somehow as I type it will come to me.
My three categories are: to grow in my relationship with God, participate regularly in social media, and become more organized. OK, it’s starting to come to me. I want spend more time reading so I’ll make that a goal. #1 Finish a book of spiritual nature. I didn’t do so well coming up with a blogging/writing schedule so I’ll keep that as #2. Hmmm…#3…get more organized…hmmm. I’ve started doing online surveys and swagbuck collecting. I think for #3, I’ll create a form (and share it online) to keep up with my surveys and such and whether or not I’ve received compensation.
There you have it. A week later but I’ve got it. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I can’t wait to see your April goals and progress. #3in30 blessings to you!
Yikes! The month is almost up! I have NOT accomplished my blog scheduling goal. (Although I did land an AWESOME interview w/AProverbsWife!) Where did the time go? I’ve been a little sidetracked… looks like April will have a carry-over. I’m proud to say that I HAVE been able to do my scripture confessions regularly. I’m also VERY proud to say that I have been getting to bed on time almost every night.
I’ve been filling up my daily to-do list with things that aren’t on my goal list. I need to get back to the Maximize Your Mornings Mission Statement and be very selective about adding chores. I’ve been too easily distracted lately with things that haven’t produced the fruit I’m after.
How’s your #3n30 going? Did you complete your goals? What has been your triumph? Your challenge? I love reading your progress- I’m always encouraged by your posts.
Yikes! The month is almost up! I have NOT accomplished my blog scheduling goal. (Although I did land an AWESOME interview w/AProverbsWife!) Where did the time go? I’ve been a little sidetracked… looks like April will have a carry-over. I’m proud to say that I HAVE been able to do my scripture confessions regularly. I’m also VERY proud to say that I have been getting to bed on time almost every night.
I’ve been filling up my daily to-do list with things that aren’t on my goal list. I need to get back to the Maximize Your Mornings Mission Statement and be very selective about adding chores. I’ve been too easily distracted lately with things that haven’t produced the fruit I’m after.
How’s your #3n30 going? Did you complete your goals? What has been your triumph? Your challenge? I love reading your progress- I’m always encouraged by your posts.
Whew! Is it just me or is March just flying by? So much to do…
I’m progressing well enough with my goals this month. How about you? Truth is, I could so better…sometimes, though I have to remind myself that just DOING IT is good enough. It doesn’t have to be perfect. I’m doing my scripture confessions almost every day. I have not yet worked out a blogging schedule that works for me. I have it on the schedule but life just isn’t cooperating with the written schedule! The good news (are you ready? Get ready cause it’s good.) is:
I’m getting to bed at a descent hour EVERY night!
(Now that I’ve put it out there, I’ll probably be up til 2:00am! Let’s hope not!)
Even if it’s not perfect, I’ve made progress. This month that’s good enough! Take encouragement, #3in30 Sisters:
“The virtue lies in the struggle, not in the prize.” Richard M. Milnes
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